Wednesday, September 26, 2007

DFW Airport Crosses the Line

For the men who actually read this—just a heads-up that this blog talks about ‘girl stuff’ and it might be TMI for your man brain. If you keep reading and get icked out, I don’t wanna hear about it.

I went to TX last week and coming home I flew from the DFW airport to BWI. No biggie. However, I was in the DFW airport and I needed...ahem...a feminine product. Annoying but hey, it’s all part of being a girl. We’ve all been there. You’re in the stall. Realize you’re just 'started' (and always at the worst possible moment), you root around for change in your purse, find the machine, buy what you need and take care of business.

So—imagine my surprise when I discover that the bathrooms at the DFW airport DON’T HAVE MACHINES.

Seriously—how wrong is that. I am smart enough to ask around and sure enough, some nice lady had something and all was good.

But out of curiosity, I thought, “Is it just this bathroom or all of them?” I had time to kill and I can tell you this—it’s all of them.

Now, I have nothing against making money but this is were I draw the line. They know we have to have these. So they make us/women leave the bathroom, traipse down four + gates, find a store, and pay ten times the normal amount for a box of tampons. Geez! Just put in the machine!

So be warned ladies, carry extras with you—especially in TX. Where men are men and women have to work the system just to get a tampon.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

ARRGGGHHH--It’s Talk Like A Pirate Day, Savvy?

As much fun as Halloween and more magical than Christmas, it’s Talk Like A Pirate day! Here’s a few links t' help you non-pirate speakers get underway:



Thursday, September 06, 2007

Hey, I made Spinsheet Magazine!

Okay, I barely made it but I’ll take what I can get Follow the pink arrow and that's me! Or rather, my head. Yes, the rest of me is attached and yes, that's a beer in my hand (oh the shame...).

This is from my first race. It was an overnight to Corsica neck River. Once there, we all jumped in, drank beer and had a great time!

The guy doing the flip is Colin, In the water with me is Kristy (my skipper) and John (another crewmember).

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Race Weekend in Annapolis

Pics from Sat

It was race weekend in Annapolis this week and I have never seen so many sailboats on the water. Loads of fun. Sadly, I have few pictures because when the race starts, there is no time for snapping photos.

A day race is quite different from an overnight, IMHO. Frankly, it's a lot more work. One would think that racing would be somewhat relaxing. There's wind. Water. The count of the gun signaling the start. Things like that. Nothing too would think.

If one thinks that--one is WRONG!

It's never-ending adjustments., putting up the spinnaker...taking down the spinnaker…putting up the spinnaker…etc.

My GOD. I hated the spinnaker by the end of the day. And I only raced on Sat!

And while we didn't win (DRACO from Detroit kicked Ass in that department) we had a great time. A few close calls but one that sticks out is a crew in a J-Boat came within inches of hitting us in trying to scrape by--almost literally. While they thought it was funny…one sudden puff of wind and they'd have broadsided Cal Tip'n. Idiots. I'm all for taking chances but not when someone else's boat is involved!

Anyway--enough complaining. Good wind. Good grew. Good beer. Good friends.

Great time!