Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Life By The Throat--Moving to Oaxaca, Mexico

I’m forty –thousand feet above the globe and on my way to Oaxaca Mexico. To live. The past few weeks of my life have been chaos and a little sad (see the other blog for that drama). So, I decided it was time for a change. Not a do-over but a start-over.

Would you like to know the key to starting over (to me). MOVE! Call me crazy, but it’s almost impossible to reinvent yourself when you’re surrounded by people with preconceived expectations as to your behavior.

Hence, the sudden move. Or maybe not so sudden. It’s been in the making, but it was just last week that I said to myself, “Self, (I said) get the hell out of Texas.”

I bought the ticket on Thursday and left today (Tues). That should tell you the kind of person I am. Some might call it Reckless. Impulsive. A little cracked...

What do I think I am? A friend of mine named Cindy Dees (buy her books!) summed my attitude up and paid me a lovely compliment at the same time. She said that one of the things she loves about me is that “I grab life by the throat. So many people hem and haw and you (Sharron) just go do it.”

Life by the Throat
. I like that. That’s what I want to be. That’s who I want to be.

So, here I am. New adventure. New life.

New me.

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