The world through the eyes of action-adventure novelist and vagabond, Sharron McClellan.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Update on Oaxaca
A quick update on Oaxaca. I spoke with a friend who lives there and it’s tough. 38 hotels have closed and around thousands of jobs lost. The police arrived yesterday and the zocolo is closed.
On the upside, people are still traveling into the area as there is a lot to do and see outside of Oaxaca.
A part of me wishes I’d stayed but I guess I got out at the right time. I still miss the city though. And the people. And the food.
I hope this ends soon!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Not about travel but all about friendship
This has nothing to do with traveling but everything to do with my best friend, Cathy Pegau. Also a writer, she is a finalist in the American Title contest--figure that it’s American Idle but for writers. Anyway, voting has begun and this round is on the first sentence of the book. While I could be all politically correct and say “Vote for the Best’ what I am going to say is Vote for Cathy.
I don’t know the other writers, and I am sure they are fine, fine people, but they’ve never had my back on a recon mission.
Wait! Neither did Cathy…so that’s beside the point. Anyway, I’ve read the book and it’s worthy of being published IMHO.
So please go vote. Here’s the website:
And all you have to do is Email the Webmaster with her title in the subject line: HAUNTED
And if you want to see just how freaking amazing she is as a writer (and as a person but we’re not voting for that) go read a short excerpt on her site:
Seriously, the girl is a hoot!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Yahoo Time Capsule is making an electronic time capsule: Yahoo Time Capsule
I think it's a great idea and have already made a contribution:
And plan to do more.
The time capsule is only open for another month. Take the time to send something!
I think it's a great idea and have already made a contribution:
And plan to do more.
The time capsule is only open for another month. Take the time to send something!