Monday, October 16, 2006

Not about travel but all about friendship

This has nothing to do with traveling but everything to do with my best friend, Cathy Pegau. Also a writer, she is a finalist in the American Title contest--figure that it’s American Idle but for writers. Anyway, voting has begun and this round is on the first sentence of the book. While I could be all politically correct and say “Vote for the Best’ what I am going to say is Vote for Cathy.

I don’t know the other writers, and I am sure they are fine, fine people, but they’ve never had my back on a recon mission.

Wait! Neither did Cathy…so that’s beside the point. Anyway, I’ve read the book and it’s worthy of being published IMHO.

So please go vote. Here’s the website:

And all you have to do is Email the Webmaster with her title in the subject line: HAUNTED

And if you want to see just how freaking amazing she is as a writer (and as a person but we’re not voting for that) go read a short excerpt on her site:

Seriously, the girl is a hoot!

1 comment:

Cathy in AK said...

Muchos gracias, mi amiga! Donde esta el bano? (okay, that's the extent of my Spanish)