Monday, May 28, 2007

Sailing 102

Slide show of Sailing 102

One of the reasons I moved to Annapolis was to learn to sailing and finally—the day arrived.

You know how you think about something, dream about it, and build it up in your head. Then when it arrives, it’s a bit of a let down because what was in your head was so much better than reality?

This was nothing like that! Reality far surpassed my fantasies.

Sailing ROCKS!

From rigging the sails and completing a needed job well done to slicing through the water—it is all amazing and wonderful and offers everything from supreme bliss to moments of almost panic (because I really don’t have a clue sometimes).

However, the best part (for me) was when we simply sailed. Cutting through the water, sails filled with wind and the speed of the boat making me smile like a maniac.

Perfect. I can’t imagine life gets much better than that.

I also learned a lot. Sure, I learned the technicalities of sailing—tacking, man overboard, coming about, etc. But I also learned:
1) Sailing is a TEAM sport. Treat it as such and everyone will have a better time.
2) There can only be one Captain at a time
3) As long as everyone is okay--hitting another boat is not the end of the world
4) ...neither is running aground
5) Mistakes will be made. Make them. Move on.
6) The occasional verbal smack-down in necessary. Say what needs to be said. Then move on. Unless it doesn’t stop. Then say it again. If the offender still doesn’t straighten-up,I am fairly sure that tossing them overboard is permissible.
7) Speed is good. Okay, I knew this but wow—it’s so much more fun when sailing

This summer is going to be amazing.

boat boat boat boat boat


Cathy in AK said...

Ooooooh. Very cool. And nice little life lessons too : )

Anonymous said...

Oh, wow, how exciting for you!!
