Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Race Weekend in Annapolis

Pics from Sat

It was race weekend in Annapolis this week and I have never seen so many sailboats on the water. Loads of fun. Sadly, I have few pictures because when the race starts, there is no time for snapping photos.

A day race is quite different from an overnight, IMHO. Frankly, it's a lot more work. One would think that racing would be somewhat relaxing. There's wind. Water. The count of the gun signaling the start. Things like that. Nothing too strenuous...one would think.

If one thinks that--one is WRONG!

It's never-ending adjustments., putting up the spinnaker...taking down the spinnaker…putting up the spinnaker…etc.

My GOD. I hated the spinnaker by the end of the day. And I only raced on Sat!

And while we didn't win (DRACO from Detroit kicked Ass in that department) we had a great time. A few close calls but one that sticks out is a crew in a J-Boat came within inches of hitting us in trying to scrape by--almost literally. While they thought it was funny…one sudden puff of wind and they'd have broadsided Cal Tip'n. Idiots. I'm all for taking chances but not when someone else's boat is involved!

Anyway--enough complaining. Good wind. Good grew. Good beer. Good friends.

Great time!

1 comment:

Cathy in AK said...

Don't hate the spinnaker. The spinnaker is your friend.