Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Born to Run

Some of us are born to run and if you've read my blog, you know that I am a runner. I don’t' mean pounding the streets in my Adidas but run as in 'Run to someplace or someone' or perhaps 'run away from something or someone'. The reason vary. Boredom. Urge to learn. To experience the world. Broken hearted. Being chased by the mafia. Need a break from reality. It doesn’t really matter, I suppose. If you’re a runner, you’ll always find a reason to put your feet to the pavement and forge a new path. We don’t' need much to move onward, just a nudge.

And it's not an easy life. The hardest thing? There aren't many people who want to run with you! It's a solitary existence and I am not a solitary person.

So, what next? Do I run? Do I give in to impulse? I don’t know. I do know that I’ll take time off during the holidays. A few people are convinced that once I leave the country I’ll stay gone. They might be right. But, I don’t think so. I think I’ll return for at least a while.

So, why do people run? As you can see, it’s never just one reason. Never that simple. But then life never is.

1 comment:

Cathy in AK said...

We run so we can find a quiet corner somewhere to lick our wounds, regroup, heal, and then come back to start over. Putting physical distance between ourselves and things associated with the hurt is a natural response. You aren't running to avoid conflict; you've already dealt with it. As long as you come back to your mental equilibrium, I don't think running is all that bad sometimes.

We'll be here for the trip itself and when you get back : )