Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Random Christmas Thoughts

1) Christmas lights synchronized to music are AWESOME! I find the whole show memorizing.

2) A yard full of un-inflated holiday decorations is NOT awesome and makes me think of an cheerful Christmas graveyard. Which leads me to…

3) I seem to have a lot of random thoughts about zombies as of late. Nothing to do with Christmas but still, they keep popping up.

4) You’re never too old to get a stuffed animal, but only if it makes a sound like a really angry squirrel. This is TAS (tiny angry squirrel) and while you can't hear him, trust me, he sounds absolutely, positively pissed.

5) My sister and I were discussing height and she said she was 5’2”. I thought to myself, “Self, she’s wrong. She’s taller. And while you’re thinking about yourself in third person, how tall are you? You tell everyone 5’8”, but are you?” We got out the tape measure and she’s 5’3.5” and I am 5’7”. WTF?! So I’ve decided to stick with 5’8 anyway as my Christmas present to myself.

Happy Holidays!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Birthday Girl!!

Today is my birthday. Even at 44, I still love birthdays. Not for the gifts (though I d love presents!) but because birthdays are like individual New Years. While I don’t make resolutions, I do think about where I’ve been and where I’d like to go. This year, I thought I’d do something different. I wrote my obituary.

Now, before you are creeped out or wonder WTF I am thinking (!), this isn’t about death. It’s about my life. Who I am now, who I am working to become and what I hope people will remember about me.

So… NYT Best-selling author, Sharron McClellan, died last night at the age of 113.
Sharron is best know to the public for both her action-adventure novels, movies, and in particular, her beloved North Mackenzie character. While she claims that North was not based on her life, she led a life not unlike an action-adventure novel. From the jungles of Indonesia to the Deserts of Africa and the cities of Europe, she traveled the world experiencing various cultures and incorporating them into her books.

Women, in particular, will remember her angryromancegrrl character--a snarky, sarcastic iconic cartoon. From dating to marriage, angryromancegrrl voiced the thoughts and feelings of women worldwide. Sharron was particularly proud of her even though, Sharron said, she made dating hell.

Besides her beloved characters and exciting stories, Sharron is remembered for her fearlessness, her determination to do the ‘right thing’ even when (as she said) it sucked, her desire to never be bored, and her sarcastic sense of humor.

She leaves behind her 4th husband (Name to be inserted at a later time), her pool-boy Javier , her two sisters, Glennis and Heather and her two brothers, Gary and Patrick.

And, of course, Cathy and Tracy, who will be consoling Javier after the burial. Good luck ladies! :D

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Great night--for lots of reason!

I love Annapolis at Christmas. The lights. The cold wind blowing off the water. The people bundled up and walking about the town. It’s wonderful. Sue (my sailing friend) and I walked over the town last night, looking at the light, stopping at the occasional bar for a hot-buttered rum and (basically) bumming around and having a great time.

Then to top it off—we stopped at a bar just before crossing the bridge and I got CARDED.


Granted, I don’t think she thought I was under 21 but mostly, it you look 30ish—you get carded. Considering I’ll be 44 in less than a week, it was a great night. Woohoo!!