Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Creative Boost

Travel of late has been regional. Wineries in Virginia were a definite highlight. Good company. Good wine. Food. What more could one ask for on a Saturday. I even bought a few bottles of white--which I never drink (just ask my sister). My favorite was a port(or Snort as they call it!) produced by the La Grange winery.

If you can't have a good time going to a winery, you need to pull the dirt over your head because you have obviously died!

This weekend, I road-tripped to Bethlehem, PA. At first glance, one must wonder—WHY? What could possibly be in Bethlehem, PA?

Answer—Bob Mayer giving his infamous, brain-overloading all day fiction writing workshop based on his book, The Novel Writer’s Toolkit.

I wasn’t sure what to expect from this minor adventure. At three hours away, it's not much of a roadtrip, but I wanted to hang out in the company of writers for a day. I find that due to travel and work, I’ve managed to distance myself from 'my people' and that is counter-productive on both a creative and networking level.

So, off to the Bethlehem--sans manger. First night. Fabu. I had a lovely dinner with two other writers. (Hi Ann and Joanne! We talked for hours.

Next day—Bob's workshop.

Wow. I have to say, the man gives an amazing workshop. it moves at a break-neck pace. There is no mincing of words. No coddling. Yet he manages to keep his message optimistic. The process he offered is creative, yet linear, and for me—that’s a good thing since I have a linear brain. Wonder of wonders—he also uses excel. Thanks God, I was starting to feel like I was the only one who used it to track plot and characters.

Granted, I know most of what he discussed. MOST. But not all. I am not too proud to say that there were some techniques he pointed out that gave me a definite OMG, how could I not have noticed that moment. The funny thing (funny=interesting. Not funny=ha ha) is that when I thought about my books that I considered successful, I had implemented those very techniques.

I guess we do pick things up subconsciously. Go figure.

Now, I am home. Refreshed. Revived. Ready to write. And working on the next novel. And for the first time in what feels like weeks, I am enjoying the process! Going to a workshop like this is like getting a booster shot of creativity and there is something to be said for looking at technique in a different way. It opens the mind to other possibilities on many levels and trust me, that helps when it come to producing the next book.

Now, back to writing.

1 comment:

Cathy in AK said...

Good! Get to work and send me the first chapter, dang it!

Seriously, glad the workshop inspired you to get back on track with this novel. Just remember to share your insights with the rest of us ; )