Thursday, May 29, 2008

Helllloooo Cancun!

Wow, the resort is gorgeous! But there are things to consider when they give you a room. Ask for either 1) near the beach or 2) in the middle of the resort. Why? This place is GINNORMOUS. Amy and I had a room up front (until we asked to be moved) and it was a hike to the beach. And I mean a HIKE.

This is our new view. Beautious!

I love to sit on the balcony, drink cervesa (beer) and watch the people. The couples. The families. The middle-age men wearing speedos and the middle age women with corn-rows and tiny bikinis. It’s all fascinating and sometimes makes me want to gouge my eyes out! Still, I like to watch the people do that voodoo that they do so well.

And the clothes. Call me crazy. But I seriously think it is a fashion faux paux to wear stiletto heels and short-shorts. Unless, of course, one is a streetwalker. I saw a number of twenty-somethings (and even fifty somethings) wearing the micro shorts, 4” heels and nonexistent tops. Twenty or fifty, the look makes me cringe.


Amy Jandrey said...

And let's not forget Pete the 26 year old wandering drunk whom everyone knew because his friends kept ditching him and he'd just pal up to everyone (because he had no idea where his room was nor did he have a key) LOL. Entirely amusing, yet a tad scary to know his real job was teaching fifth grade. Yikes! I wanna go back!!!!!

Cathy in AK said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun. Without ME!!!!! Don't worry, I'll get over it. Observing middle aged folks in Speedos and micro shorts would have sent the cervesa spurting through my nose. Not pretty.