Friday, May 30, 2008

Tequila, It Makes The Iguanas Speak

Or it should...but I'll get to that.

Amy and I visited Tulum archaeological site today.

Talum is a nice site on the coast. Normally, I would say that two hours is not enough for an uber-cool Mayan site but considering it poured buckets of rain on us the moment we arrived, two hours was plenty.

Even though we were soaked and almost blown away, it was mucho fun! And the site itself is situated right on the beach. Smart people, those Mayans. If I were going to build a house, I’d chose the same kind of area. Easier to fortify with the cliffs on one side and a food source almost at your front door.

After Tulum, we went to Xel-ha. Xel-ha an aquatic amusement park with snorkeling, tubing, swimming, etc. Much like the resort, it’s all-inclusive. Perhaps I am spoiled because of my snorkeling and diving experiences in Hawaii, but the snorkeling there was a little sad. Few fish. No reef (just rock), and little plant life.

Of course, it’s also mating season and I could not help but think that while the murkiness of the water was due to the thunderstorm of earlier, it wasn’t help by the fact that the male fish were fertilizing anything and everything.

I didn’t spend that much time among them.

Instead, Amy and I drank margaritas for about an hour and watch the occasional iguana. Now, maybe it was the tequila, but when iguanas sit there and stare at back you, it looks they area going to open their mouth at any moment and say something.

Oh...if iguanas could only talk...

I see them as being charmers. Players. The Spanish equivalent of Joey from friends. “Hola Chica, como esta.” Hey baby, how you doin’.

After the tequila wore off, I dragged Amy around the park and made her take picture of me doing whatever the heck it is I do. In this case, it’s jumping off a cliff. It was only fifteen feet high but it still gave me an adrenaline rush to take the leap.

So even though it rained…and the iguanas refused to cooperate and speak, it was a good day!


Cathy in AK said...

The Mayans had an aquatic amusement park? Wow, they really were advanced.

RE: talking iguanas. Too much tequila and too many Geico gecko commercials, I'd say : )

And are you SURE the tequila had worn off when you jumped off the cliff? Me, I'd have needed the bottle beforehand.

Ancient amusement parks, potentially talking iguanas, and cliff diving. Sounds like you had a helluva day!

Amy Jandrey said...

yeah, the only thing Xel Ha was missing was a Mayan version of It's a Small World.....bawahahahahahahahaha!

Tracy Montoya said...

Bad iguanas! How ill-mannered of them.

The cliff looks fun! And I'm uber-jealous of your vacation. : P Stupid Jacksonhell.