Monday, October 27, 2008

Oaxaca...I'm baaaccckkk

I have been away from Oaxaca for far too long. I got off the plane yesterday (staying at Casa Adobe—my Uncles B&B) and it was like coming home. A few things...Since I’ve been gone, they’ve installed a stoplight at the entrance to Tlalixtac (the village where the B&B is). A stop light? WTF!

And I forgot some things. Like Neurotics Anonymous. Yes, The US has AA, NA etc and Mexico has support groups for Neurotic people. In fact, they are having a convention right now. How weird is that. Note to self: Get some pictures of the signs if nothing else.

Things that have stayed the same: The people. They are still as friendly and wonderful as ever. I went for a walk with Sue when I got there (My friends Sue and Mary are here as well) and we stopped by buy a tostada. Things to know about Mexico. People tend to cook things at the side of the road and yes, they are for sale. So, we stopped and they spoke no English and Sue and I speak MINIMAL Spanish. We’re laughing. They’re laughing. And everyone is using sign language. And it worked. They got their pesos and we got food.

It’s weird. Most Americans seen to know Mexico only through border towns or the resorts. And there is so much more here. The real Mexico is generous. Funny. Smart. Historical.

And patient when it comes to American women who really speak the language.

1 comment:

Cathy in AK said...

I can't tell you how jealous I am that you're in friendly, warm Mexico while I'm in friendly, freakin' cold AK :)

Hi, Sue! (waves to Sue)

And though I don't know you: Hi, Mary! (more waves)

Enjoy your vacation, ladies.