Thursday, July 13, 2006

Every Fifth Word

Yesterday was not a great day. I ran out of propane for the house (which means no stove and no hot water) and I was sick. I have no idea what I ate to make my tummy rumble, but I felt lousy. Today is better. Propane is here and stomach is settling.

And I have Terri to take care of me!

Terri is the owner of the house I am renting. She doesn’t speak English and I speak little Spanish but I do understand a little more than I can say. I get about every fifth word she says—which makes for some interesting conversation. She talks. I listen then smile and nod. Sometimes, I have no idea what I am agreeing to or acknowledging but so far, it seems to be working.

Miming helps.

Anyway, she found out I was sick and came over to take care of me. She made me tamales (not too picante) and mint tea. I have to say, that the tea is helping. I know mint is a natural stomach soother but totally forget there was some in the garden.

Trust Terri to remember.

Just an example of how a bad day can be turned around by one very nice person.

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