Saturday, July 15, 2006

Oaxacan Drivers--Crazy As Snakes!

First, let me say that I did not coin the phrase "Crazy as Snakes”. I heard that from The Gunrunner (for those who are NOT keeping up, that’s the guy in New Hampshire. New Hampshire Guy was not a good name and way too long to type. The Gunrunner is much hotter. Again, I digress...)

So yes, drivers in Oaxaca are crazy as snakes. Why, you ask?

1)The fact that they pass each other around curves on mountain roads, in thick traffic, with cars coming at them.... Hell, anywhere. The roads here are not two lanes. They are 1.5 lanes. Weird, but that’s how it works. It's also amazingly frightening.

2) I walked to the store yesterday and there was someone DRIVING on the sidewalk. Yes, driving. Not parked (although I see a lot of that as well). Nope, just cruising down the sidewalk towards me!

3) Parking in the middle of traffic. I’ve seen it twice now. At a HUGE intersection, a guy had parked his car so he could give some stuff to another guy to sell. My bus was behind it and the buso drive actually got out—you never see that. No fight but it was close. Also,if they are ordering take-out from a restaurant. They’ll simply put on their blinkers and stop. Saw that too.

4) I’ve seen many an intersection where no one stops (not even to park in the middle). It’s like some huge metal ballet with cars weaving in and out as they try to get through. I shut my eye and wait for the crunch,

5) Not a crazy thing...just a tip and an FYI: Pedestrians do NOT have the “Right of Way" here. Cars will hit you and then the driver will keep going since the person probably doesn’t have car insurance and will go to jail. (Insurance is around 1000 a year and for people who average 500 a month, that’s a chunk of change). My advice? Cross in the middle of the road unless you're in the city. Yo udon't wnat to take a chance on them running the stoplight and hitting you. Big city--they do tend to stop at lights, but do watch yourself!

6) I’ve been told that many people do not drive at night with their headlights on due to the inaccurate notion that they think it will drain the battery. Haven’t seen it yet, but afte seeing this insanity, I believe it.

I am sure there will be more incidents and observations. Probably enough for an entire blog. Right now, I have to walk to the store.

Wish me luck!

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