Saturday, July 29, 2006

I Said WHAT?

I started Spanish lessons this week, and I’m attending a wonderful school called Amigos del Sol I have a tutor since I need flexible hour.

NOTE: if you come hear to learn Spanish I highly recommend Amigos del Sol. They are willing to be flexible and I was referred to them by both my uncle and my friend Dolly. That's two people--and I think any references are rare in any profession.

First, let me say that my teacher, Celso, is ADORABLE. Or as we say en Espanol: Es sensual. (he’s a hottie) So, a nice bonus. I get to learn Spanish AND the tutor is cute. He’s also about twenty years younger than me but I can look because I am NOT DEAD.

But as usual, I digress...

So, last night, we are talking in Spanish about movies. Well, he’s talking and I’m trying to talk. Want to make your tutor laugh? Have this conversation:

ME: (I am trying to say I want to see Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean.)What comes out of my mouth is: Quiero comer Jonny Depp en los piratas del Caribe

CELSO: “You want to WHAT?”

Because what I said does NOT mean I want to see Johnny Depp. It means: I want to EAT Johnny Depp.

Once I realized what I said, I blushed bright red, but then I said, “Si, Quiero comer Johnny Depp.” (Yes, I want to eat Johnny Depp)

I thought Celso was going to fall out of his chair.

Next week: more verbs! Maybe I can learn how to do other things to Johnny Depp....


Anonymous said...

I didn't realize you could have a Freudian slip en espanol : )

Anonymous said...

Cathy - she could do that in any language :)