Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Mouse in My House

UPDATE 8/3: Cathy thinks we should name him Pepe--so let's go with that. I like that one because it's a male name and I can keep my delusion that there is NO CHANCE this rodent will give birth to more. I SWEAR, if that happens, I will find a new place to live!

Anyway, Pepe lives. He actually got caught by one of the sticky traps and GOT OFF of it! It was horrible though--he was running around with it. EEWWWW


I’ve been under the gun with edits this week and so have stayed holed up in the house—so not much to write about unless you want to hear about editing. Which you don’t. Trust me.

BUT—I’m not alone. Oh noooooo. The Mouse that refused to be caught is still here. For a while I thought maybe he lived outside and was scooting in under the door. If so, he’s decided to live here now.

I got a good look at him this morning as he sat on a box, winked at me, and then flipped me off. Okay, maybe not flip me off but when a rodent is that brazen it’s like they’re giving you the finger.

Still, he’s a cute little guy. Or girl. Part of me wants to name him.

But the sane part of me realizes that it’s bad to name the animal you plan to exterminate.

I just wish he’d leave.


Anonymous said...

If you do name him (and I'm not saying you should, because you shouldn't)I think Pepe would be good. Or if it's female, Yolanda. Sorry, but you are in Mexico and the names fit. Not that you should name it. : )

Anonymous said...

8/3: Good. Now I can start selling the "Keep Pepe Free" tee shirts I had made.