Saturday, August 26, 2006

Time To Go To The Beach

They’ve decided to bring the Army to Oaxaca on the idea that it will imprive the current political climate. might. Perhaps it’ll make things better. Quiet the protestors. (picture me rolling my eyes while I type that) The last time they tried force i.e. tear gassing the teachers, it only escalated the situation.

I am betting military men in uniform is going to have the same effect. CHAOS.

I miss Oaxaca.

Right now, the streets are filled with garbage and I don’t think there is a single building that doesn’t have graffiti all over it. Tourists are few and far between.

On a really odd note that has nothing to do with the protestors, I was with my Dad yesterday (going to the zocolo for lunch) and we’re walking downtown and there was a man either asleep or passed out on the sidewalk. Something you see in every city. Sad but a reality. What made this different is that he had NO PANTS.

I mean starkers from the waist down.

Here’s what I wonder...what do you do when you wake up on a crowded sidewalk with no pant? Do you act like it’s normal? That it was planned? Do you care?

Or do you widen the hole in your t-shirt and wear it as a skirt?

I am praying I NEVER find out!


Anonymous said...

Perhaps it's time to publish that college pictoral essay, "Sharron: the Lost Weekend"

BestDayEver said...

Some best friend you are. :-) Hey, I was twenty. Young. I have an excuse!

How much do I have to pay to have you destroy those pictures?

Anonymous said...

How much ya got?

Everyone else: I'm accepting bids and do take personal checks ; )