Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Update on Escalation in Oaxaca

Slides on today's foray into Oaxaca

Dad came over and we walked down to the zocolo (square). I didn't see any military presence (they came in last night). Personally, I think they will come back at tonight when it is less likely they will be seen and/or photographed. If I was trying to repress a people with force...that's how I'd do it!

There were still mobs of people in the street--but peaceful mobs. No threats or anything like that. I could count the number of tourists on one hand.

While we didn't feel threatened, there was a weird quiet in the air. I'd say a feeling of expectation but that might be me projecting--who knows. But it was very very quiet.


The buses aren't running yet but the collctivos are so my Dad is coming in to the house. Which means, I might have a FIGHT on my hands as I planned to go downtown this afternoon. Why go downtown? The Army is coming in and frankly, I'd like to get some pictures. I know. I know. Stay out of the chaos!

Seriously, when will I ever get the chance to see something like this again? And if you know me you know I simply HAVE to see what's around the corner--even if it's a rebllion in progress.

Although someone was killed this morning so I suspect it'll get very crazy very quickly.

So who knows...may go...may not. Guess I'll have to see!

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