Wednesday, April 22, 2009

And That Makes Three

Yesterday was a slow day. Not the tour itself but the fact we’re all dead tired. We went o Jerash—an amazing Roman ruin outside Madaba, Jordan. No power walking today….it was more of a stroll.

But the real excitement came on the way home. Here the sequence of events:

A cop pulls over a driver and opens his door
Cop doesn’t pull far enough off the road and door opens in traffic
Bus next to us tried to pull over into our lane so it doesn’t hit the cops door.
We try to go left so we don’t get hit by the bus
No one can move far enough so—the bus hit to cop door! Shattered the hell out of it and I watched it fly by my window…as we sideswiped the jeep on our left. As for the cop, no idea but we hope he's okay.

So that makes three times I’ve cheated death:
1) Elevator getting Stuck
2) Construction falling
3) Car wreck

Done now!

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