Monday, April 20, 2009

Filthiest group EVER

Right now, I am traveling with a group of people that range in age, gender and nationality. Our group leader (John) has dubbed us the “Filthiest Group Ever”. Why? Two reasons:
1) We are smutty. It’s true. It seems we can’t have a conversation without it turning into something that Stu (a Kiwi) dubs “utter filth”. It might be dirty jokes, innuendo, learning a new and disturbing word or phrase, etc. but it’s all smut and sex with us.

I think it’s because we’re all single people with nothing better to talk about. There’s one married couple and they rarely (if ever) add to the smutty conversations. The rest of the group thinks it’s me that causes the decent into filth! Sure, pick on the romance novelist. Bastards and liars..all of them. J

2) Lack of washing. It’s not that we don’t want to but sometimes there is no time. Luckily, we don’t all do this at the same time, but I will confess that I didn’t wash my hair for two days after hiking up Mt Sinai and going to Sawa beach—I just rinsed and conditioned because I figured the salt water was harsh enough without adding soap to the mix. WRONG. My hair got to the point where it would stand up on its own.

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