Monday, August 21, 2006

Escalation In Oaxaca

The roads in and out of Oaxaca have been blocked for a while by the teachers (I believe). Frankly, it was annoying but didn’t’ bother me too much. Sure as heck didn't frighten me.

Now, it’s getting worse. The government thugs are here and we have fun new developments:

Roads are blocked coming up as far as my street. You cannot leave the city.
The city is closed. Hotels have locked their doors. Grocery stores are closed. Banks are closed.
I'm betting the airport is closed as well. (not that I plan to leave)
People are being kidnapped.
The government thugs shot up the newspaper last week and a TV station last night

Let me say that as a tourist/long-term visitor, I don't feel unsafe. Yet. It helps that I live in a veritable fortress on a hill. To get to me takes too much work. Plus...why?

Still, it's a rebellion and common sense dictates that running around during the chaos is simply STUPID. People are smart. Mobs are dumb. Better to stay put and wait it out.

And here I’d planned to go to the zocolo for lunch...


Anonymous said...

You like to make us worry?


BestDayEver said...

LOL. I said I was staying put! Although I have to admit that part of me really really wants to walk down to the zocolo to see what's going on. I've never been a part of a rebellion (even on the sidelines) and might never get the chance to see this kind of political change in action. But--I'll stay put.

Anonymous said...

So here I was thinking you were sipping iced drinks on a sunny veranda - wiggling your toes and dreaming up one of your lovely new stories. Are you crazy? Don't make me come down there and sort you out? You know I hate spiders!!!