Thursday, August 03, 2006

Potty Mouth in Spanish Class

Ah yes, Spanish class. And once again, my teacher is falling over laughing.

Here's the sitch: Celso (my tutor) has a picture of three people and I have to describe them. A fairly simple would think. I am going over the basic stuff-color of their hair, their height, etc.

Finally, I am saying their positions. And not--NOT anything porno ya bunch of pervs! Where they are and what they are doing.

The girl is sitting. One man is standing and the other man is leaning. I am TRYING to say that he is leaning. Well, apparently, the word for leaning, recargado, is very close (or it's very close the way I am trying to say it) to the word for taking a dump. (Frankly, not my favorite phrase but if you can come up with a better way to say it--let me know)

Anyway, I am SO EMPHATIC in trying to say this that it give the impression that the guy is taking a HUGE dump!! And one that lasts FOREVER!

I’d say, Poor Celso, but I’m fairly sure I was his entertainment for the afternoon!


Anonymous said...

I knew something like that would happen.
My ver. word: pnhbmm--the sound of a man leaning in Sharron's world

Tracy Montoya said...

He's totally doing this on purpose. Don't let that wide-eyed innocent act fool you....