Saturday, April 04, 2009

Crying: it works in any language

I didn’t sleep much last night. It wasn’t the heat or the bed or because had insomnia…it was the urchin children running up and down the hallway and screaming. And by children I mean around 5 years old. They woke me at 11PM when they came in. I don’t begrudge anyone having a good time but when in a hotel one should have some consideration for other guests
Frankly, I blame the parents.

Anyway, I lean my head out the door and told them to please be quiet. Silence ahhh…blessed silence….

Until 1Am when they returned and decided to do it again. But the youngest decide to pitch a crying fit as well. The guy at the desk told me to get my own taxi I had a melt down. Yes, I can get a taxi but I was worried that he’d either lie about knowing where I wanted to go, overcharge me or both. And I was so freaking tired I couldn’t see straight!

Hence, the meltdown.

There I am, sobbing in the lobby (which if you know me is a unusual). You could almot see the clerk flinching. But he sucked it up (cuz I sure as hell wasn’t) went down with me, spoke to the driver, got the price and sent me on my way.

So yes, crying works in any language.

1 comment:

Tracy Montoya said...

I did that once to get into a cathedral in Italy with long shorts on. It does work!